Compressor Master Controller

Features of Compressor Master Controller:

  • Controls the compressors flexibly according to the air consumption
  • Holds constant pressure in the network
  • Reduces idle running by up to 99%

Product Description

As production is optimized, the greater is the variations in the demand for Compressed Air.The savings realized in production is lost in generation of Compressed Air.

While everything is optimized for cost saving in production, the compressors in most compressed air stations are controlled according to fixed sequences. Manual pressure switches and simple electronic controllers are used to switch the compressors. The pressure in the network is significantly higher than required in production. This leads to high energy costs and excessive wear on the compressors due to frequent changes of load.

The right selection and control of the compressors reduces load changes, which delivers up to 27% in saving due to less wear.

WiseAir 4.0, the control system for air compressors, provides an overview of production and transforms the economic efficiency of your company’s compressed air system. Different compressor capacities are utilized according to the consumption of compressed air and are also operated within a common pressure band. The network pressure matches the demand required in production.

Visualization of Compressed Air

The visualization of the compressed air, shows the condition of the compressors such as load,motor running,fault report and compressor readiness. Together with the indication of the actual consumption of compressed air and the pressure diagram, this program allows you to have an overview of your compressed air station with one look. You can assure yourself of the correct automatic function of the Compressor Management System at any time.

Accounts of energy consumption are possible for any freely select-able period. The Alarm and service reports of the compressors and auxiliary engines are stored into the monthly alarm and service report. As an option, there is a communication module, that allows you to send SMS or e-mail of alarm or service message, to every desired address by using an internet connection.

WiseAir CN (Compressor Network) and MASTER

The compressors are managed through RS-485 modules. Each module has two analogue inputs 4…20mA for measuring the current and the temperature as well as one analogue output for the predefined pressure value. Up to 42 analogue inputs on WiseAir Master and up to 68 analogue inputs on WiseAir CN.


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